Physical therapy is the area of health care that specializes in disorders of the musculoskeletal system. Specifically, physical therapy evaluates the functional interdependence of each part of the musculoskeletal system and utilizes a variety of treatment methods to restore full movement and function to any area with a deficiency. The methods include exercise, massage, heat and cold, and electricity. For example, exercise works for the muscle group, ice reduces the swelling of the muscles, and heat aids in flexibility. Recently, Yoga and Pilates have been incorporated into therapy plans. Without a doubt, physical therapy is an innovative field that is focused on healing patients and restoring them to optimum health.
Physical therapy is prescribed by the treating physician, when it is deemed appropriate. A therapy strategy will be developed to enable the patient to fully recover and restore full movement and functionality to the affected areas. Physical therapy is prescribed for children and adults alike.
Some of the conditions that benefit from physical therapy include:
If you are not sure if physical therapy is right for you, contact us with your questions and concerns.
If you would like to request an appointment for a future day and time, please fill out the form below. Upon submission, a member of our staff will follow up with you directly to confirm scheduling. If you have any other questions, please contact our office at (201) 433-2096. We look forward to seeing you soon!